Global Warming 1958 -- "This is Baaaddd??"

Mr. Scientist...would you marry me?

The New York Times writes that the 1958 movie production "The Unchained Goddess" is "another delightful entry in the Bell Science Series", a "felicitous collaboration" between Hollywood director Frank Capra and animators Shamus Culhame and William T. Hurtz. The video features human characters Dr. Research (Frank Baxter) and The Fiction Writer (Richard Carlson) who "set out to explain how weather is created and how scientists have endeavored to predict and control it". Their joined by several animated cohorts:

"...foremost among them the beautiful but somewhat haughty Meteora, the Goddess of Weather (whose long gown rather resembles the funnel cloud of a tornado) and her subjects: Winds, Clouds and Rain."

The Times called it "a copacetic blend of entertainment and education", and notes that it "became standard fare on the high-school classroom circuit after its original 1958 telecast".

Mr. Scientist: Even now, Man may be unwittingly changing the world's climate through the waste products of his civilization. Due to our release through factories and automobiles every year of more than six billion tons of carbon dioxide, which helps air absorb heat from the sun, our atmosphere seems to be getting warmer!

Fiction Writer: "This is baaad?"

Yes, Mr. Scientist explains, because tourists will have to view Miami's skyscrapers through glass bottom boats (appropriate fish, boat and skyscraper animation).

Not in the clip but later on, perhaps swooning under the heat of his intellect, Meteora sinks to the occasion, according to IMDb quotes:

"Meteora: Mr. Scientist, would you... (a woman could never ask this, but certainly a goddess can!)... would you marry me?"

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